A new year – a new round of blog posts to look forward to!

Happy new year everybody! We hope you had a great start to 2017 and that this year will bring you much happiness.

We’re pleased to annouce that our first blog post for 2017 is already online. This contribution comes from Dr Pooja Saini, a researcher at the University of Liverpool. Pooja’s work explores the role of general practitioners (GPs) in suicide prevention in the UK, and her post describes some of the support that is (or is not) available to GPs regarding this issue.

Beyond that, we’ve also got a great line-up of posts. Continue reading

Blog posts switch to once a month

We hope you have enjoyed the first couple of months of our EUSPR Early Careers Forum blog. We certainly have!

It has been a great experience for us receiving and reading our contributors’ submissions. So here’s a big thank-you to all our contributors so far for sending us really interesting posts, and on time! 🙂

We hope you’ll agree with us that the blog has already managed to fulfil its aim of providing a platform where early career members of the European Society for Prevention Research (EUSPR) can present themselves and their work online, as well as openly share their thoughts on the fields of prevention policy, research and practice. We hope it will continue to do this for a while yet.

What you may not realise is that there is a lot of work going into each individual post, as contributors thoughtfully prepare their posts and our small editorial team reviews draft submissions and provides feedback. As of June, we are therefore switching our publishing frequency to once a month (previously every two weeks). This should allow us to maintain the high quality that you’ve come to expect of our blog posts by now.

So, please continue to come back every month or so to check out our latest post, and if you have any feedback on the blog, or you would like to submit a blog post yourself or join our editorial team, please get in touch with Angelina Brotherhood at a.brotherhood@ljmu.ac.uk.

Thanks for reading!

Our first blog post is up

I’m extremely pleased that today sees the launch of our first blog post written by a member of the EUSPR Early Careers Forum. The piece was written by Dr Milica Vasiljevic, Research Associate at the Behaviour and Health Research Unit (BHRU), University of Cambridge, UK. Milica’s experimental study on the potential impact of e-cigarette advertising on young people is very timely given the relative lack of research in this area. It won the 3rd SPAN Poster Prize at the EUSPR conference in Ljubljana in 2015 and was recently published in the journal Tobacco Control. Continue reading

Welcome to the blog of the EUSPR’s Early Careers Forum!

Who are we?

We are the members of the EUSPR’s Early Careers Forum.

The European Society for Prevention Research (EUSPR) is a professional society for people interested in evidence-based approaches to preventing disease and ill health. We are interested in evidence concerning effective policies and interventions, implementation and translational research (policy and practice issues), as well as aetiology and epidemiology. Continue reading