
The following members and associates of the EUSPR’s Early Careers Forum have contributed articles to this blog so far (listed in alphabetical order by last name):

Joella Anupol, Research Assistant at the University of Balearic Islands, Spain

Joella is a research assistant in the Research Group in Data Analysis at the University of Balearic Islands (UIB, Spain). She completed her Psychology degree in 2017 at the same university. She also collaborates with the European Institute of Studies on Prevention (IREFREA, Spain). Some of her main interests include: health promotion and alcohol and drug use prevention. You can follow her in Twitter as@joellaanupol.

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Miriam Blikmans, Research Master student at the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands

Miriam is a research master student at the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. She is specializing in the development and socialization in childhood and adolescence. During her master, she will also obtain her clinical degree in pedagogics. In her future career she would like to bring research and practice closer together. Feel free to contact her through email (miblikmans[at] or Twitter @mimabli.

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Angelina Brotherhood, Doctoral researcher at the Institute of Sociology, University of Vienna, Austria

Angelina is a doctoral researcher at the University of Vienna, Austria. Her thesis is a mixed-methods study on how perceived characteristics of everyday spaces relate to substance use in socially integrated users. She trained as a sociologist and entered the drug prevention field in 2007 as an intern at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Since then, she has worked on various policy- and practice-related activities, including evidence reviews and quality standards in drug prevention. Having joined the EUSPR in 2010, she served on the EUSPR Board and led the EUSPR Early Careers Forum from 2014 to 2017. You can find her on Twitter as @pbm_AB.

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Dr Martha Canfield, Researcher at the National Addiction Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London, UK

Martha is a researcher at the National Addiction Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN), King’s College London, UK. She is a mixed methods researcher focusing on the relationship between psychosocial factors and substance use; cultural influences on substance use, and family dynamics around having a relative who misuses drug(s). At the National Addiction Centre, she is involved in primary research exploring substance use and its relationship with intimate partner violence as well as working on a psychosocial intervention aimed at preventing blood borne virus infection in people who inject drugs. You can read more about her work by following this link:

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Boris Chapoton, Project Manager at the Hygée Center for Cancer Prevention in Saint-Etienne, France

Boris is a researcher in cancer prevention. He has a health psychologist training background attached to a Masters degree in Public Health. One of the main projects he is working on is related to media influence on teenagers concerning alcohol and tobacco use. He is also working on the prevention of professional risks of cancer within a professional training context towards teenagers and on the implementation of therapeutic patient education program dedicated to oral anti-cancer treatment. Boris is currently looking at doing a PhD on the media influence on substance use and would love to do a joint PhD between his actual work setting and an Irish university. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact Boris through his professional address boris.chapoton[at] or through twitter

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Rebecca Crook, Postgraduate researcher at the Public Health Institute at Liverpool John Moores University, UK

Rebecca is a postgraduate researcher at the Public Health Institute at Liverpool John Moores University in the UK. Her programme of PhD study aims to explore the development and expression of drug related identity in young adults, and to understand how these identities may influence their substance related decision-making. The research investigates ‘what it means’ to be a drug taker and how people may gain a sense of identity from drug use. In particular, the project assesses the role of health in the construction of drug user identities and how users negotiate problems and risks associated with drug-identity related behaviour. You can read more about her work here:

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Dr Emma Davies, Lecturer at the Department of Psychology, Oxford Brookes University, UK

Emma is a lecturer in the Department of Psychology, Social Work and Public Health at Oxford Brookes University.  She conducts research into young people’s health and wellbeing, with a specific focus on exploring behaviour change theories, intervention design, and reducing alcohol misuse. You can find her on Twitter @I_am_emma or email her at: edavies[at]

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Professor Maria Rosaria Galanti, Professor in Public Health Epidemiology at the Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Rosaria is a Professor in Public Health Epidemiology at the Karolinska Institutet. Her research focuses on intervention evaluation, the epidemiology of tobacco use and the influence of school environments on mental health among adolescents. You can email her on: rosaria.galanti[at]

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Dr Stefanie Helmer, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Charité University Medical Center, Germany

Stefanie is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for Social Medicine, Epidemiology, and Health Economics at the Charité University Medical Center in Berlin, Germany. She graduated from Bielefeld University in Germany where she also wrote her dissertation. At that time, she worked for the Leibniz-Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology in Bremen, Germany in the field of health intervention research, with an emphasis on misperceptions and social norms in regard to substance use behaviour. In 2016, she completed a traineeship at the unit “Consequences, responses and best practices” of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction in Lisbon, working mainly on issues related to evidence-based prevention of substance use. You can contact Stefanie at stefanie.helmer[at]

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Dr Dijana Jerković, University Psychiatric Hospital Vrapče in Zagreb, Croatia, and External Associate (lLecturer) at the Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Sciences, University of Zagreb

Dijana was born in 1982 in Croatia. She holds an MA in social pedagogy, a European Certificate in Psychotherapy and a PhD in Prevention Science. Since September 2017, she has been working at the University Psychiatric Hospital Vrapče in Zagreb, Croatia, and as external associate (lecturer) at the Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Sciences, University of Zagreb. At her previous job (Croatian Focal Point for the EMCDDA), she was involved in the promotion of the European Drug Prevention Quality Standards, and was responsible for implementation of Facebook ads in recruiting participants in Croatia within the pilot project European Web Survey on Drugs: patterns of use. Currently she’s been involved in the Global Drug Survey promotion. For further information please contact her at dijana.jerkovich[at]

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Vasilka Lalevska, Program Officer for Advocacy and Policy at the IFPA, Stockholm

Vasilka joined the EUSPR in 2017. She has long years of experience working in different fields in the non-profit sector, on national, European and global levels. Since 2013, Vasilka’s work has focused on policy, both from the aspects of carrying out advocacy activities and education, with particular focus on alcohol, narcotic drugs and prevention and control of non-communicable diseases. She was part of the Civil Society Task Force connected to the UNGASS on Drugs in 2016, representing Youth. Vasilka worked for Active – Sobriety, Friendship and Peace in Stockholm and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in Skopje, before joining the International Federation of Psoriasis Associations (IFPA) in late 2016. Her education is in the areas of Economics (with specialization in E-Business) and Project Management, which additionally help her to pursue her interests in prevention research.

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Dr. Larissa J. Maier, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco

In her previous appointment as a consultant in Drug Use Epidemiology at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) she has worked closely with the local office in Afghanistan to implement a school survey on substance use in the provinces that were safe to travel to. Before, she has conducted significant addiction research studies at the Swiss Research Institute for Public Health and Addiction (ISGF) at the University of Zurich. Larissa is one of the four members of the Core Research Team of Global Drug Survey (GDS) aiming to make drug use safer, regardless of the legal status of the drug. Her research investigates the underlying motives for substance use as well as the impact of drug policy changes on substance use patterns and adequate prevention strategies. For further information, please visit her UCSF profile , follow her on Twitter @maier_larissa, or contact her at http://larissa.maier[a]

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Dr. Abdul Subor Momand, Youth Consultant, United Nations Population Funds

Abdul completed Fulbright/Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Program, specialized study in Drug Policy and Substance Use Disorders Treatment and Prevention in Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in the U.S. He obtained a Master of Public Health (MPH) degree from the University of Indonesia and Bachelor’s degree (MD) from Nangarhar Medical University in Afghanistan. He has ten years’ experience in the field of Drug Demand Reduction in Afghanistan where he worked for the the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Ministry of Public Health and other international organizations. Dr. Momand’s research focuses on the evaluation of interventions for children in Afghanistan who are at risk for substance use or actively using psychoactive substances. He trains health professionals on SUD treatment with a special focus on children with substance use problem. For further information, please contact dr.momand[a]

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Dr Alexandra Morales, Assistant Professor and Researcher, Aitana Research Group at the Miguel Hernández University (Spain) 

Alexandra Morales is an Assistant Professor and researcher in the Aitana Research Group at the Miguel Hernández University (Spain). Alexandra completed her doctorate in Health Psychology at Miguel Hernández University, focusing on sexual risk factors and the evaluation of efficacy of HIV and STI prevention interventions for adolescents. She has worked on the development, cultural adaptation, implementation, and evaluation of school-based prevention interventions. Some of her main interests include sexual risk factors, cultural adaptation of prevention interventions, and methodology in prevention research. Since 2013, she is the editorial manager of the “Revista de Psicología Clínica con Niños y Adolescentes” (Journal of Clinical Psychology on Children and Adolescents) edited by Aitana Research Group. You can read more about her work by following her on ResearchGate.

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Sinziana Oncioiu, Research Associate at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden

Sinziana is a public health researcher affiliated with Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden. She is a pharmacist by training with a Master’s degree in Public Health Epidemiology. She is willing to deepen her knowledge in epidemiology focusing on prevention of mental health problems through a life course approach. She has a special interest in the impact of social change on health in Central and Eastern Europe as she comes originally from Romania. Feel free to contact her for any further information at sinziana-ioana.oncioiu[at]

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Nikki Gambles, PhD Student at The Public Health Institute, Liverpool John Moores University

Nikki is a third year PhD student studying at the Public Health Institute at Liverpool John Moores University. Her research interests focus on drinking behaviours and the cultural backdrop in which they lie. Nikki’s PhD programme of study explores the impact of the transition to university on students’ drinking behaviours through a mixed method approach. She is particularly interested in perceptions that are constructed around student drinking and how they can influence behaviour. You can read more about her work here: or email her at: N.H.Gambles[at]

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Miss Parvati Perman-Howe, Doctoral Student, Oxford Brookes University, UK. Parvati is a PhD student at Oxford Brookes University working on a study entitled “The effect of alcohol strength on alcohol consumption: a randomised, controlled, cross-over, pilot trial.” The PhD is supervised by Professor David Foxcroft and Dr Emma Davies. Parvati holds an MSc in public health from Oxford Brookes University and has previously worked as a research assistant on a randomised controlled trial that assessed the efficacy of GP referral to commercial weight management programmes, at the University of Oxford. Parvati is interested in designing and assessing interventions that alter the physical aspects of the environment and that seek to alter behaviours related to alcohol consumption, diet, physical activity and smoking. You can contact her about her work on

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Dr Pooja Saini, Lecturer in Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, UK

I qualified in Psychology from University of Leicester in 2001, MSc in Addictive Behaviour at The University of Liverpool in 2003 and PhD in 2015 at The University of Manchester on the role of primary care in suicide prevention. My research is focused at an individual-level, community-level and whole systems approach on risk management and decision-making processes for individuals, professionals, and service providers within forensic, clinical and non-clinical settings. My main research interests are in suicide and self-harm prevention particularly in young people, cancer prevention in Black and Asian Ethnic Minority Groups, reduction of health inequalities and coproduction. A key activity for me is public engagement and I aim to incorporate this in all aspects of my teaching and research. Follow Pooja on twitter: @poojaliverpool or contact her by email:

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Karin Streimann, Senior specialist of child and adolescent health at the National Institute for Health Development, Estonia

Karin works at the Estonian National Institute for Health Development. Her work focuses on drug prevention among young people, mainly at the universal level and in the school setting. She is also a PhD student at Tallinn University and her aim is to conduct an effectiveness study on a universal classroom-based preventive intervention (PAX GBG) in Estonia. You can contact her by e-mail: karin.streimann[at]

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Sanela Talič, Head of Prevention at the Institute for Reseach and Development UTRIP, Slovenia

Sanela is the Head of Prevention at Institute for Research and Development UTRIP, a non-governmental and a non-profit research institute in Slovenia. She is also the national coordinator and master trainer for school-based prevention programmes Unplugged and Effekt and family-based programme Strengthening Families Programme. Currently she is also a PhD student of prevention science at University of Zagreb, Croatia. You can contact her through email: sanela[at]

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Dr Samuel Tomczyk, postdoctoral researcher at the University of Greifswald, Germany

Samuel is a postdoctoral researcher on prevention in civil protection at the University of Greifswald, Germany. Samuel completed his doctorate in Psychology at the University of Kiel, focusing on multiple substance use in adolescents. In addition to his research, he has worked on the development, implementation, and evaluation of school-based prevention projects. His main interests include health across the life span, substance use, and methodology in prevention research. Samuel is the new EUSPR ECF Lead and began his duties in September 2017.

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Aniek van Herwaarden, Researcher in Developmental Psychology and Pedagogics, The Netherlands

Aniek is a researcher in Developmental Psychology and Pedagogics from The Netherlands. She is involved in research projects which address intervening in behavioral problems of youth and providing culturally sensitive healthcare for people with intellectual disabilities. She is affiliated with Radboud University Nijmegen, Utrecht University, as well as the department of Research and Development of Driestroom, a healthcare service for people with intellectual disabilities. You can find more about her on LinkedIn or Twitter.

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Dr Milica Vasiljevic, Research Associate at the Behaviour and Health Research Unit (BHRU), University of Cambridge, UK

Milica’s research focuses on the design and implementation of social-cognitive interventions to change people’s behaviours with the aim of preventing disease. She has also been researching behavioural biases in risk identification and mitigation; automatic processes involved in behaviour change; and mindset priming aimed at changing people’s attitudes, values, and behaviour. At the BHRU, she is involved in primary research exploring the impact of interventions that aim to improve people’s health outcomes, and reduce health inequalities. You can read more about her work by following these links: and

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Dr Marie-Hélène Véronneau, Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Canada

Marie-Hélène is an Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Canada. After studying psychology in Montreal, Canada, she had two objectives in mind for her postdoctoral training. First, she wanted to live abroad. Second, she wanted to get more familiar with prevention research. Thus, she spent almost four years at the University of Oregon (United States), and this is when she first got involved in ECPN. In addition to contributing to most ECPN committees over the years, she has served on the SPR membership committee and International Taskforce. She has been elected to be the chair of ECPN from 2015 until 2017. You can follow her on twitter @MHVeronneau, and write to her at veronneau.marie-helene[at]

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