Reflections on integrating multiple professional roles: where do I go from here?

Dijana Jerković is a practitioner, a policy-maker and a researcher in drug prevention. In this article, she introduces herself and her work, using this opportunity to reflect on the specific challenge of closing the gap between research, policy and practice at an intrapersonal level.

“Lifelong learning” and “investing time and energy in personal beliefs” are leitmotifs that have guided me through life since my childhood. As a result, today I have different professional roles, and therefore I’ve decided to write a few words about challenges that arise from this multiplicity. In line with that, in the following text I write about my experience and present it as a simplified version of a case study. Continue reading

Our first blog post is up

I’m extremely pleased that today sees the launch of our first blog post written by a member of the EUSPR Early Careers Forum. The piece was written by Dr Milica Vasiljevic, Research Associate at the Behaviour and Health Research Unit (BHRU), University of Cambridge, UK. Milica’s experimental study on the potential impact of e-cigarette advertising on young people is very timely given the relative lack of research in this area. It won the 3rd SPAN Poster Prize at the EUSPR conference in Ljubljana in 2015 and was recently published in the journal Tobacco Control. Continue reading

What is the impact of candy-like flavoured e-cigarette adverts on children?

Our first contribution comes from Dr Milica Vasiljevic, Research Associate at the Behaviour and Health Research Unit (BHRU), University of Cambridge, UK. Milica describes her recently published experimental study on e-cigarette advertising which was also awarded the 3rd SPAN Poster Prize at the EUSPR conference in Ljubljana in 2015. She then discusses her own research findings in relation to the new EU Tobacco Products Directive which will come into force in May 2016.

E-cigarettes: potential for benefit or harm?

The availability and use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) has risen rapidly in the last three years with an estimated 2.6 million people using e-cigarettes in the UK in 2015 and 11.8 million in the USA in 20141,2. E-cigarette use is also rising amongst children and adolescents, raising concerns that their use could lead to tobacco smoking3,4. Continue reading

  1. Action on Smoking and Health (ASH). Use of electronic cigarettes (vapourisers) among adults in Great Britain. May, 2015. []
  2. Schoenborn CA, Gindi RM. Electronic cigarette use among adults: United States, 2014. NCHS data brief, no. 217. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2015. []
  3. Action on Smoking and Health (ASH). Use of electronic cigarettes among children in Great Britain. June, 2015. []
  4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Tobacco use among middle and high school students—United States, 2011–2014. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2015;64:381–5. []

Videos online: “Writing for Publication and Publishing Papers”

At the last EUSPR conference, the Early Careers Forum organised a pre-conference workshop in collaboration with the Science for Prevention Academic Network (SPAN) on the topic of “Writing for Publication and Publishing Papers”. Besides group work and discussion, the workshop featured two plenary sessions. Recordings of these plenary sessions, as well as a short clip to convey the atmosphere on the day, are now available online. You can watch them below or by visiting YouTube. Continue reading